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Single Mag Pouch Reviews for the product - Single Mag Pouch (Back to product)
2 Product Reviews - Average rating 4 / 5 (Best Rated | Worst Rated | Most Recent | Oldest)

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Nice for 7 round mag

- 07/06/2016

This Mag Pouch is nicely crafted. Purchased the left side in mahogany. Fits nice for the 7 round mag. The 8 round mag however that I purchased it for hangs over the edge so there is no protection against the body.

Nice for 7 round mag M&P Shield 9mm

- 07/06/2016

This Mag Pouch is nicely crafted. Purchased the left side in mahogany. Fits nice for the 7 round mag. The 8 round mag however that I purchased it for hangs over the edge so there is no protection against the body.

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